Tuesday, April 16, 2024

FAQs: Why don't you offer a level 5

Q:Why don't you teach level 5
A: The Level 5 class is further practice of the skills taught in level 4 with the addition of more stroke refinement with ease and speed.  We do continue to teach these skills when swimmers who pass level 4 continue to retake level for increased proficiency.  A level 5 class also includes deep water diving and our pool design doesn't allow for anything other than shallow diving- so we can't offer a level 5 class and follow the American Red Cross Curriculum.  We can challenge your child in multiple sessions of level 4 though- so you don't have to stop once you pass level 4

Thursday, April 11, 2024

FAQs: Can I bring my other kids to watch their siblings in Swim lessons?


Q:Can kids that aren't in the class watch?
A:  Quck answer: No.  Long Answer: While we welcome parents, we can't have kids in the backyard that are not in a swim class.    We know it's fun to cheer swimmers on, but it's also super distracting to the kids in classes and the teachers.  For their safety and to maximize our lesson time we try to limit distractions.  The other reason we only allow swimmers in the backyard is because at our Meridian Location, we don't have a gated pool, so for liability issues, only swimmers with their teachers are allowed in the backyard.  Plus we know how hard it is to be outside the pool when they would rather be in it!   Thanks for your understanding and support!
Q" What about babies in strollers?
A: We know your baby is probably going to stay put in a stroller- but that still doesn't solve the distracting concern-- because who doesn't want to smile at babies?  So please-- no babies either-- We know this means you won't get those perfect summer swim pictures that you need for grandparents and social media posts but we take pics and videos for you during each lesson and will share them freely with you.  We know that's important!

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

FAQs: How old does my child need to be to take lessons


Q:What age can  my child start swimming lessons?
A:While we love babies,  our Little Fish Swim School is designed for swimmers who are potty-trained.  

Monday, April 1, 2024

2024 Season for Little Fish Swim School dates have been posted and all needed forms for registration are available (see pages on top right of this site)  Please reach out if you have any questions-- classes are filling up!

2024 session dates and level details

 Registration opens Wed, April 3rd! Here are some level details and session dates so you can start planning. Forms will be available on our site at the tabs on the upper right for printing and submitting that day.